Gratitude Challenge…

Who have you not yet thanked?

I received sad news not long ago about the death of one of my favorite college professors. I had always meant to reach out and tell him how much I appreciated him. For some reason, I never did.

I thought of what I would say in a note to his wife expressing my condolences. I’d tell her that he inspired me to public service. That it was his passionate counter-culture + pragmatism ethos that compelled me to the gritty world of politics to fight for the vulnerable, and that it was an incredible ride. I’d tell her I was sorry I hadn’t told him when he was around.

I then made a stunning realization: the person that told me of his passing had made a mistake! I had a second chance. I finished my message of gratitude and sent it right away. He was surprised… and incredibly grateful.

The regret I felt, even for a few minutes, made me think. Who are the people I have not thanked? Who are the ones whose outsized impact on my life I have not yet acknowledged?

I decided to do a “gratitude challenge.” Every day for one week I reached out (via phone, text, or email) to someone who had played a significant role in my life. I told them how much I appreciated their teaching, their love, their mentorship, or their friendship. They were all incredibly grateful. Several said how much it meant to them in such a stressful time.

I’d like to challenge some of you to do the same. Reach out to one person each day and let them know how much you appreciate them and why. I think you’ll be blown away by the response.

Anyone in? Comment below if so, and share if you’d like to challenge others. I’d love to know how it goes.

Daniel S. Holt is the founder of Washington based Anchorage Partners LLC.

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